-= HOME =-

Welcome to PhutureWarez.com. This is the home of a few projects of mine, the first being a few mods for the game Minecraft. The mods and details are posted on the download page and include source code. There will be ongoing construction as I add content to the website. Please check back once in a while to see what has changed :)

Update 1/11/20: So as you can tell by the dates it's been a while since I've given any attention to this hobby. Well, I'm back, so hopefully I'll be posting here more than just a few times. The Minecraft Mods will stay up even though my focus has shifted somewhere else at this time. I plan on getting back to them eventually.

Update 9/17/15: Three mods are now posted on the download page. Feel free to download them and include them in your mod-pack. Source code is available for anyone that's interested in how they work.

Update 9/15/15: I recently added code to make the site more viewable in higher resolutions. If it doesnt work please try upgrading your browser. If you have the newest version of your browser, please uninstall Safari and install a real browser.

Update 9/14/15: I posted two of my mods (Bacon, and Craftable Slime) on the downloads page. The mods and source code are both available. I plan on posting a third mod within a few days after I do a little clean up on the code.